One-stop solution
for premium lifestyle

safe water, happy home with hi-home

Hi-Home is trusted by hundreds of customers consisting of companies, governments and individuals. having access to clean and healthy water is easy with our water purifier service.

Did you know? Clear water is not necessarily safe, it can contain harmful substances such as THM, viruses, bacteria, excess minerals or even heavy metals that can be a source of disease. Trust your water to us, we will make your water better than ever.

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Your clean water solution

Solve water problems with a water filter system from hi-home

Did you know? Clear water is not necessarily safe, it can contain harmful substances such as THM, viruses, bacteria, excess minerals or even heavy metals that can be a source of disease. Trust your water to us, we will make your water better than ever.


Customer trust

About Us

Making your water clean is our dream

For us water is the source of life, we believe in a better and more sustainable life. Water is an important thing that must be obtained for everyone.

But clear water is not necessarily clean, for that we are here to be a water solution that is not only clear. but clean, odor-free and healthy.

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Our Teams

Our team works for your satisfaction as a customer.

Budi Wahyudi

Expert Technician

Dani Santoso

Expert Technician

Rizal Setiawan

Expert Technician


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We will share with you essential tips and tricks for your hygiene and health.